Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lab #2: Maps and Topography

1) This is my topography line picture of Georgia with water drops also (Topo lines are periwinkle and water drop lines are seafoam green)

2) This is a chloropleth map of the US of hazardous waste site installations in 1997. This kind of map is used to show data collection by state within the boundaries of that state.

3) This is an isarithmic map of the US of use of the words crawfish, crayfish, crawdad, and having no word to describe a miniature lobster in lakes or streams. Isarithmic maps are used to show collected data of a country, in this case the US, but not confined to state boundaries.

4) This is a dot density map of the US of the location of people who are under the poverty line who do not live in metropolitan areas. A dot density map uses lots of dots of the same size to show data collected. In this case, the dots are population and are placed within the map and the density of the dots increase the more the dots are placed.

5) This a proportional symbol map of the US of the number of coin-operated amusement devices. This is a map that uses the same symbol in different sizes to show an increase or decrease.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015