Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lab #6: Shoebox Rock Lab

These are all of my rocks I found! I also made a shoebox because why not?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring Break Update

So for Spring Break 2k15 we're supposed to go out and find 8 rocks and identify them and label them. We can also make shoe box and take a photo and upload it up to our blogs, so I did!

The shoe box is currently in my dorm room so I don't have a photo prepared of that.

I have already found 3 rocks though! I also had found some other rocks back at college too--about 3--so I just need to find 2 more!

One rock is really shiny, one is powdery white, another is smooth and brown, and the ones I found at college I have already identified to be granite or diorite.

So those are my updates! Will post a picture of the complete lab report.

Have a great Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lab #5: Change In Elevation Over Distance Lab

For this lab, we were supposed to pick a city and measure up to 12 miles and make a graph and table of measurements of the change of elevation over the distance.

I picked Orlando, Florida and this is my Google Earth image of where I chose to measure (the line is in yellow)

This is chart of data I took from those 12 miles off the yellow 

This is the graph I made from the table above

How I created all this:

  • First, I created a line in Orlando, FL and made it yellow using the line tool in Google Earth
  • Next, I measured out 12 miles on the line and recorded their elevation (in feet) and recorded that data into a chart
  • Next, I made a table in Excel using the data from my table and created a scatter plot graph 
  • Finally, I took a screenshot of both the table and graph, and saved the Google Earth image and uploaded all of it to here.