Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lab #8: Limestone

Coming from Nashville, TN I know a lot about limestone

Limestone is a very common rock type found in Nashville, and when I took geology in the 6th grade, it was the first rock we talked about! They even have repair places for your limestone walls!!

Anyways, for those of you not from Nashville, limestone is a cool rock..."But what is it??" you may ask. I'll tell you!
Limestone is a sedimentary rock. It usually is composed of mostly calcite and aragonite (basically different forms of calcium carbonate-->CaCO3)

Like most sedimentary rocks, is also usually has tiny skeletal remains of sea creatures (and yes I am counting coral because it is under the sea)

These pictures are what limestone can look like:

 (this one's a quarry!)

 (this one has fossils in it!)

So! All in all, limestone is a really cool rock!

In summary-->limestone is a sedimentary rock composed of (usually) different forms of calcium carbonate and can have little fossils in it!

If you want to learn more about limestone check out this website!

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